** Experience in Emergency medicine:
Astute Accident and Emergency Doctor with proven record of grace and clinical prowess in high-pressure situations. Triages patient illnesses and injuries to facilitate quality care. Prioritizes critical tasks to support high-volume patient flow.
Compassionate resident offers background of superior emergency care. Communicates with patients to gather medical history and explain treatments and care protocols. Exceptional attention to detail with talent in chart management and patient rapport-building.
** What I can offer:
I am a dedicated, adaptable, and enthusiastic doctor. I enjoy reading books and following clinical guidelines. I am committed to keeping my professional skills and knowledge current. I treat all of my patients with the utmost respect, regardless of their differences. I am aware that working in a hospital entails responsibilities to the hospital, the hospital staff, and the patient, and I am committed to upholding all of these responsibilities. I am aware of my limitations and will not jeopardies my patients' safety, I always seek the assistance of my supervisor in any situation that appears to be problematic. I value teamwork, believe that no one can succeed without a strong team and will work hard to be an important team member. I've learned a variety of communication skills through my work with patients. For example, I can interact with patients and relatives who are experiencing various emotions, such as anxiety and anger, and in situations such as delivering bad news to patients or their relatives. Soft management skills such as leadership, teamwork, risk management, and empathy are required of a good physician.
My obligations and tasks:
(A) Surgical emergencies:
** Managing emergency situations by stabilizing them using the ABCDE approach, requesting preliminary investigations, going over the management strategy with my consultants, and cooperating with professional colleagues from other disciplines.
** Undertaking urgent procedures such as catheterizations, blood withdrawals, NGT, and cannulation.
(B) Inpatient ward:
**Frequent assessment of patients in the ward to keep the consultant informed of their condition.
**Make management decisions for pre-operative and post-operative patients, as well as discuss any changes in the management plan with the consultant.
(C) Outpatient clinic:
**Improve my communication skills with patients and their families.
**Consultations with patients, including history taking, clinical examination, diagnosis, and management, with my consultant.
**Monitoring and following up on patients' health and well-being.
D) Operative:
**Before the surgery, learn the team briefing.
**Understand each person's role in the operating room.
**Supporting large-scale operations.
**Minor surgical procedures such as "abscess drainage," "ingrowing nail, hematoma evacuation," "foreign body removal," and "lipoma removal." - suturing techniques (simple interrupted simple running subcuticular horizontal mattress vertical mattress half-buried mattress).
E) Attend:
** weekly teaching sessions.
**weekly radiological conferences.
**monthly meetings on mortality and morbidity quality improvement project audits.
I rotated through the emergency department; the hospital offers almost every speciality. As a junior doctor, I worked in the emergency department. Among my job responsibilities and duties were the following:
(A) Clinical interference in the emergency department, providing the following services:
** Initial assessment and management of patients with medical and surgical emergencies such as Acute chest pain, Pulmonary embolism, Pulmonary edema, Arrhythmias, Comas, Severe Asthma, Acute Abdomen and Hematemesis, and multiple traumatic events before reporting to seniors using the ABCD approach and monitoring vital signs, surgical sights, drains, and general condition.
** Initial assessment and management of A&E cases, external referrals, formulation of a management plan by requesting blood tests, imaging scans, and drug charts, and interpretation of the results.
(B) In addition, I participate in the following managerial responsibilities:
1) Rota Master of my same-level college at the Emergency Department.
2) An active member of the Infection Control department, applying the most recent guidelines and updates.
3) Active participant in the Quality Control Department with the goal of inspiring clinical leadership personalities.
I worked as a SHO in a primary health care unit where I was part of a team of health care professionals that included colleagues who were doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and workers.
(1) Clinical experience:
**General house officer duties.
**practice general medicine (mostly internal medicine and emergencies) by taking histories, performing relevant examinations, and prescribing medications.
**Documenting the patient's history, developing a plan of care, and arranging follow-up.
** Writing referral letters to other specialties as needed.
**Recognizing and reporting any psychological elements and safeguarding issues in the patient's story to the appropriate authorities.
(2) Procedures:
** I routinely perform procedures such as, IV cannulation, Insertion of nasogastric tubes, Insertion of urinary catheters, Administration of IV medications and fluids, Blood tests and ABGs, Suture of minor wounds, suture removal, and dressing.
Abscess drainage and incision,Avulsion of nails.
(3) Social health and awareness participation:
** providing health education through consultations and awareness campaigns.
of my consultant and the senior nurse.
Clinical duties included taking a history, performing a full examination, and participating in the creation of an appropriate management plan.
-Management of emergency and critically ill patients.
One year of internship (the foundation program), rotating through the following departments:
_internal medicine for two months.
_General surgery lasts two months.
_For two months, I was in pediatrics.
_For two months, I worked in obstetrics and gynecology.
_Emergency and anesthesia for two months.
_Neurology for one month
_one month of psychiatry.
**My duties and responsibilities as an intern doctor (equivalent to the UK's FY1 level)
* Endotracheal Tube
* IV Cannulation
* Male and Female Catheterization
* Nasogastric tube
* All types of surgical sutures