Work History
Additional Information
Work Availability

Mohamed Moubark



Freshly graduated doctor with an outgoing and flexible leader personality who can yet work very well in a team. I am in the start of my career so I am really passionate and excited about my work, I have lots of strengths but I also do know my weak points which I am eager to work on and improve with my senior colleagues. I have great interpersonal skills and ability to handle different stressful situations efficiently and looking forward to be an addition to any place I join, not just be a regular doctor!

Work History

Junior Doctor

Dr. Abdelwahab Mohamed Moubark - Private Clinic
Ismailia , Ismailia
2020.04 - Current

I do work as a junior doctor at the private clinic of infectious Diseases of Dr. Abdelwahab; Consultant of Infectious Diseases & Director of national Hepatitis eradication program for canal region.

I first started as a trainee observing only from April till June 2020, after that I got a full job as a junior doctor in the same clinic and my job includes:

1- History taking and generating most possible diagnoses.
2- Examination, should it be general or local.
3- Ordering appropriate investigations.
4- Generating management plan, to be approved by the consultant.
5- Follow-up of the patients when they return.
6- Creating a unique profile for each patient to facilitate follow-up process and progression monitoring.
7- Writing referral letters to relevant specialists.
8- Accepting referrals from relevant specialists.

I have to mention that due to the nature of the clinic, I had to deal with lots of COVID patients as well as common infectious diseases in Egypt such as various enteric & chest infections as well as getting to witness the management and follow-up of chronic Hepatitis patients and in all I did benefit the most from the great experience of my consultant.


Garden City Medical Center
Ismailia , Ismailia
2020.04 - 2020.06

Right after finishing internship year, I started observership training in two medical centers, one of them is the place where I currently work and the other one is this post.

In this post, I was completely an observer. I did not have any responsibilities as I was just attending to gain experience and assess level of interest in the mentioned specialty. However, I used to take history from the patients, attend deliveries either normal vaginal or Caesarean sections as well as observe most of the common gynaecological procedures.

Intern Doctor

Suez Canal University Teaching Hospitals
Ismailia , Ismailia
2019.04 - 2020.03

My internship was continuous 12 months following my 6 year study, including rotations in Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Emergency Medicine, Orthpopaedic Surgery, Radiology, Anaesthesia as well as Primary Health Care units.

During my rotations in various departments, my job included:

1- History taking and generating differential diagnoses.
2- Examination, either General or local.
3- Ordering initial investigations, after senior consultation.
4- Discussing management plans with seniors.
5- follow-up of admitted patients.
6- Clerking of patient admissions and discharges.
7- Rota distribution for me & intern colleagues during rotations.
8- Writing Death certificates.
9- Attending daily ward rounds and seniors handover.
10- Giving teaching sessions for clinical year students.
11- Assisting in Normal Labour.
10- Attending various surgeries as an observer.
12- Assisting in organizing OSCE exams for clinical students.
13- Attending X-ray workshops at Radiology department.

I was always valued for my good communication skills with patients as well as their relatives, the ability to build a good rapport with them and to manage difficult situations. I also worked very well in a team which did help me improve as I knew my task and that I do not have to do everything all by myself, I do have senior colleagues to help me learn and help the patient get the best care possible!


GMC Registration With Licence To Practise - Medicine

General Medical Council
Manchester, United Kingdom
2021.02 - Current

Professional And Linguistic Assessments Board - Medicine

General Medical Council
Manchester, United Kingdom
2021.01 - 2021.01

Occupational English Test - English Language Proficiency

Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust
2019.10 - 2021.10

MBBS - Medicine

Faculty Of Medicine, Suez Canal University
Ismailia, Egypt
2019.01 - 2019.01

High School Diploma -

Manar Language Schools
Ismailia, Egypt
2012.07 - 2012.07


    History Taking & Vital Signs Assessment



Advanced Life Support Instructor - European Resuscitation Council

Additional Information

  • I was vice scientific coordinator in SCMSA 20th Summer School on Tropical Medicine & Infectious Diseases, an international event for international medical students held annually in Ismailia, Egypt, where they get in touch with Tropical medicine & infectious diseases in various hospitals (Suez Canal Teaching Hospitals, Infectious Diseases Hospital as well as Chest Hospital) under the supervision of a scinetific team made of professors, lecturers as well as medical students.

    The international medical students were divided on 3 small groups (15 each) to rotate on 3 different hospitals. On daily basis, I did conduct teaching sessions for one of the sub-groups including general approach to patients by history and examination, Topic discussions such as (Typhoid & enteric infections, Hepatic infections in Egypt as well as other common infectious diseases). I was also in charge of practical demonstration of history taking and clinical examination, either on models and simulated patients or in bedside sessions with actual patients under the supervision of a senior doctor and with full consent of the patients for educational purposes.
  • I did also conduct a lecture for the full group (45 students) in Suez Canal University hospital lecture hall under the name of "Typhoid in Egypt".
  • During my internship year at Suez Canal Teaching Hospitals, I was in charge of conducting regular teaching sessions for the clinical students in various departments. I was also accompanying them in their rotations to help guide them with tricky case scenarios they face.
  • I was chosen by Dr. Mohamed Sobhy, an Orthopaedic Surgeon in Liverpool University Hospital, at his PLAB2 preparation academy in Liverpool to conduct some sessions to teach fellow doctors how to prepare for the exam although I was preparing myself for the exam; due to my fluency ,good interpersonal and teaching skills.


    I worked as a Summer School Coordinator in SCMSA Summer School Program on Tropical Medicine & Infectious Diseases, organized by SCMSA -Suez Canal Medical Students Association- which is an active member of IFMSA -International Federation of Medical Students Association- for 2 years in a row, 2018 and 2019.

    SCMSA Summer School is an annual program which hosts around 50 international medical students from all over the globe. I was in charge of gathering the international students to join the program, arrange a scientific medical program for them in 3 different hospitals in Egypt, provide accommodation, food & transportation as well as social program all over Egypt to explore Egypt and get in touch with the Egyptian culture!

    I managed to lead various teams to provide a magnificent experience for the international students for which they gave an amazing feedback in both years.


  • Captain of Football Team of Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University - 2013:2018.
  • Top Scorer of Suez Canal University Football League - March 2014.
  • Best Player of Suez Canal University 5-a-side Football League - June 2015.
  • Best Player & Joint top Scorer of Manar Language School Football League - May 2010.
  • Ideal Junior Sea Scout in Egypt at The Egyptian Sea Scouts Annual Meeting - January 2006.


  • SCMSA Summer School Role in Health Awareness - International Presentation - 2019
  • Inefctious Diseases in Egypt - Impact and Extent - International Presentation - 2018
  • Typhoid in Egypt - International Presentation - 2017
  • Opiods - What you need to know - Local Presentation - 2017


  • Genetic disorders related to sudden death.
  • Worker under the supervision of Dr. Ramon Brugada and his team to analyze genetic patterns of Brugada syndrome. A mutation in SCN5A gene was found in most patients. This took place on July 2014 in Girona, Spain.


Office & Presentations

Microsoft Spreedsheets

Basic IT Skills

Work Availability

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Various Sports


The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.
Henry David Thoreau


Welcome To UK Practice - General Medical Council


Resuscitation Practices During COVID - European Resuscitation Council


GMC Registration With Licence To Practise - Medicine

General Medical Council
2021.02 - Current

Professional And Linguistic Assessments Board - Medicine

General Medical Council
2021.01 - 2021.01

Advanced Life Support Instructor - European Resuscitation Council


Immediate Life Support Provider- European Resuscitation Council


Basic Life Support Provider- European Resuscitation Council


Junior Doctor

Dr. Abdelwahab Mohamed Moubark - Private Clinic
2020.04 - Current


Garden City Medical Center
2020.04 - 2020.06

Occupational English Test - English Language Proficiency

Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust
2019.10 - 2021.10

Intern Doctor

Suez Canal University Teaching Hospitals
2019.04 - 2020.03

MBBS - Medicine

Faculty Of Medicine, Suez Canal University
2019.01 - 2019.01

High School Diploma -

Manar Language Schools
2012.07 - 2012.07
Mohamed MoubarkDoctor