Sophisticated Data Scientist with background in independent research using intuitive, web-based architecture. Skilled in problem solving with documented history of discovering methods to intelligently use data to enhance user experience. Effectively researches techniques for novel approaches to problems, develops prototypes to assess viability of approach and deploys application into production yielding insights to expand customer-consciousness.
European Truma Course
TensorFlow Developer By Google
Introduction to Programming Using PythonIntroduction to Programming Using Python by Harvard University
IBM Data Science Professional Certificate by IBM
Machine Learning with Python-From Linear Models to Deep Learning by Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DeepLeaTensorFlow Developer DeepLearning.AI
Data Analysis NonDegree (Udacity)
Python Data Structures (Uni. Of Michigan)
Presentions and Communication Skills
Basic Life Support
Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Points (HACCP) Advanced
Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Burn Treatment
Sports Injuries
International First Aid , CPR m AED
Advanced Cardio Life Support (ACLS)
Ethics and Behaviour in Risk Management
Hopsital Major Incident Medical Management And Support (HMIMMS)
European Truma Course