Non-stopping knowledge seeker, specifically passionate about Mathematics and likes to code. Working on some data analytics projects online and in Nile University. Excels in Data Analysis, Problem Solving, Mathematics, and Research. Kept good Mathematical grade record and praise from professors. Interested in applying data analytics and computer science knowledge in social sciences. I always ponder and search about meaning of terms like brilliance, intelligence, or creativity. One definition I admired is it is ability to always see bigger picture.
Alzwag Almoyassar - الزواج الميسر
Fast Fourier Transform
Marriage Officiant - مأذون
Caesar Cipher
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus - Coursera
Social Sciences
Speech Recognition
Machine Learning
Mathematical Thinking in Computer Science - Coursera
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Multivariate Calculus - Coursera
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra - Coursera
Python for Data Science, AI & Development - Coursera
Data Science Methodology - Coursera